5 Ways to Use Fresh Mint
Nothing says summer to me like a big pot of fresh mint!! I always have a pot growing on the barn porch so that I have mint leaves to use...
Rustic Ranch Chic meets Cozy and Comforting
Welcome to Cowhide and Cakeplates, a blog for all you fans of rustic, Texas style decor mixed with recipes, diy’s, and how to’s. If you love rust, leather, and weathered barnwood as much as I do, you’ve found a kindred spirit!! Don’t worry, though they’ll be plenty of playing with dishes, linens and throw pillows!!! I never met a throw pillow I didn’t like! I’ve even coined my own term for arranging them-a pillowscape!! On repeat, you’ll see my signature items- cowhide, and footed cake stands! I’m all about the cozy, comforts of home so grab some sweet tea or a cold Topo Chico and let’s get to it!!
A curated collection
I started Cowhide and Cakeplates as an Instagram page and hobby to fill up extra time freed up due to the empty nest syndrome. I started with home decor but have added in recipes, diy projects, and how to’s. Mixing styles from previous homes and states I’ve lived in has lent me a unique style of my own. Not really farmhouse, but seasoned with agriculture and ranch chic, as well as southwestern, vintage and traditional, it all comes together to say “home”. I’m a mixer upper not a fixer upper! Wanting to expand my content, Cowhide and Cakeplates, the blog was born!! I hope you enjoy it!!